The VeriChip

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just say no!


I would have been quick to call it ignorant had my aunt not told me that her company was shipping these devices from Morgan Hill, CA on behalf of yet another company.

This just suddenly seems like a really bad nightmare come to life.

I don't understand what all teh fuss is about. No one is requiring anyone to have the verichip implanted, right?

It's available if you want it. Hell, I think it's a great idea for convicted criminals. Get a conviction, get a Verichip implanted. Commit another crime, and we'll know you were there and you did it. Back to jail.

Is there a way to implant them from a distance with an air gun? THAT would be perfect.

Shadowrun, begins . ..

Anonymous said...

Human and Machine will join. It is inevitable.

Toyi said...

This is what I mean by "Things against nature", things that I HATE about science... yeah looks cool how long men have acomplish, but please please stop playing with natural course.

Yeah, now the chipp is not required but just wait, is the only way to avoid crime, the only way to track kidnapping, the only way to prevent Identity theft, the only way to "Be secure" sooooo why not? (Toyi being sarcastic) is an answer to so many security problems... and yes is a clear sign of Global unification and also a sign of the close comming of the anti christ.

Bite me.. is my opinion.

How do we know it was not in God's plan for man to do all this?

Toyi said...

So if that was God purpose, would God need a chip to control humans?

Anonymous said...

As long as it's removable via a walk-in procedure at a local clinic, like a wart or something, I see no problem with it.

Toyi said...

And that is the thing, wil not be removable...according to some of my researches after the chip becomes mandatory it will be punishable to be removed and possibly programed unremovable.

Can you see what happens to those animals being controlled in the video, they do what they are ordered to do not their will, so do you think will be different from humans? that will be the only way men or anti christ will be able to control human kind (cause believe it or not the anti-christ will be human, and a very smart one.

A great way for Satan to control what he never could "God believers" and that is the point, whoever don't believe in God it doesn't really matters (they are satan's already cause there is no real comitment to God and their life goes same way with any reason, Satan wants to just get the hard ones to get.

Do you believe science will try to control humanity with lies or rituals or mistakes or persuading a faith? no they won't fail like some religious methods have, they will use "facts" cause facts is what science is about and they will fascinate human eye, cause human eye can be easily captured and impressed... people believe what they see, I just got excited but you guys don't really have to understand what I say now, some of you will later and some it may not... that clearness only God gives it to whoever ask for it.

Anonymous said...

Lady, you're hysterical, and I don't mean "funny".

Keep sounding the warning bell though. You'll save us all yet form that evil Anti Christ and his Satanic science and facts.

Toyi said...

wrong, I don't save you...
you save yourself if you want to
walk Chip way and do what they want to.

is free will to du to du
it's free will...
I am singing it...

Satan is a lie propagated by religions

Toyi said...

^ if you think so why do you still call yourself "Roman Catholic"?

this is something I have always asked you and you have never answer...

Lets put it this way, Mantodea and I might not get along in our believes but he would die for his cause and I also would die for mine...
so what are you? a bitch? o-0 (sorry for the therm but is just the perfect one at this point?

Anonymous said...

"Bitch" is indeed a perfect term for Malach. In fact, I believe that the latest Websters Dictionary has them as synonyms.

I am not Roman Catholic I am undeclared

Toyi said...

^ in my dictionary "Undecided" is what stands for

And C'mon Murk come out of the closet and stop bitching too... I know your style. "silent mantodea", yeah right.

I believe the most accurate term for "undeclared" is Agnostic.

"Undeclared" is more appropriate for college Freshman who are burning up their financial aid.

Wow...such a heated response!! But ya know something? I have to agree in partial with Toyi!

I am absolutely against implanting a chip into any criminal. I'd rather they be hung or given a lethal injection for their rape, murder and molestation. Make the punishment suitable and the crime will decline. This pussy-footing around it with their plush prisons is a retardation of our society. And I can speak by personal experience when I say that I would rather have a molester hung then given life in prison becasue life in prison equals 4 months to 7 years, folks. That's it!

A chip....bullshit! A chip is Uncle saying he doesn't know how to either protect it's people nor provide for it's people without an extensive eye on every tiny aspect of our lives.

As far as the religious aspects....I have no clue. Just that the rumor is, the chip is the beginning of the end.

Either way, religious or moral, I refuse to allow this type of invasion into my privacy.

Anonymous said...

Um, I am silent murk because I can't log in for comments due to the fact that I have the new blogger account.

I can only assume mantodea has done the same.

Proves how stupid you are though. In fact, I've agrued unceasingly with the Evil Dr. Mantodea about this point tirelessly.

No, he is not the same person as I can I can confirm this. He will be at my house tonight and I will ask him if he is me.

Toyi said...

chill is only opinions...

look who lost it.

Anonymous said...

You did, sisssssy!@

Toyi said...

nah I believe you got a bit irritated after my 3rd post which doesn't carry no personal offenses nor the previous 2, everything is in your head, depends with what attitude you read... or unless you took personal offense when I called Malach a "bitch" which I didn't mean it to offend but to play with him...

IDK I think he is cool about it, honestly. How about you?

why don't you meat with Mantodea tonight and please each other instead (talking about verychip I mean lol)

Anonymous said...

No. I want sex. And you need syphillis. Get like a dog and let me have it!

Toyi said...

oh man, you do really need to learn better how to keep an adult joke rolling w/o ruining the fun.

Well I guess you are not hispanic and maybe that is why you can't "keep it up".

Mwahahahahha! Man....she has totally....WOW! She's on a roll.

Anonymous said...

u guys toyi is right this is the end times... and this chip is kind of like the mark of the beast..

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