The pedia worth clicking on

Monday, April 16, 2007

We've had the Wiki-bombs set.....we've tried to eliminate the whole Wiki-Nazi....

But alas...I have found a PEDIA worth keeping around.

Folks! I present today's accidental find....


It has every porn star and their stats!

Please...go.....check it out....HERE. You'll thank me in the morning.

*** This has been a pubic service announcement ***


Hojo said...

"Accidental." Ha!

Nice, I will check it out at home, I will see if I can put a Fat Bug and TELS article in it.

Anonymous said...

Why is Hojo the first to comment on something pornographic?


Christopher said...

Too much pedia, not enough nake...


Hojo said...

The letters "N-A-K-E," when arranged in such a way, are instant trigger words. It can not be helped; I am a teenager.

Tainted~Love said...

You dirty, dirty, dirty girl!!!


Toyi said...

lol so these people contributed to save marriages? ( I am just joking, sorry is actually a personal joke)

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