Monday's.....go figure.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The gunner at Virginia Tech didn't like Monday's either.


And today is the anniversary of Columbine, I wonder if that was on a Monday?

Anonymous said...

No, Malach, I believe the date for Columbine was April 20th, which would be this Friday. Close, but no prizes for you today.


Brandon, Brandon Walsh?

Christopher said...

Dear Brandon,

You are an asshole.



Is this the Boomtown Rats by the way?

Tainted~Love said...

Mr. B is not an asshole! I protest this rubbish!!!!

~smiles softly~

Anonymous said...

Yes I am. It took me 37 years to perfect it and I am damn proud of it. : )


Tainted~Love said...

Bastard!!!! ~grins~

Yes it is, Mal.

Murk, Murk, much love with such few words.

I was just reading about the inspiration of this song on Wikipedia. That girl was a little tapped. And I just figured out who Brandon was, stupid me.

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