
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Okay, I have a free day and a free thought today, is sunday and is not more day to live, despite all the resentments that go around God's ways, I encourage you to look for him, he is at the door knocking and all we have to do is open it so he can come into your life (if is what you really want).
God is not something to debate, God is not something that you can figure from outside, God is not your servant or your genie to do what you want like in Aladin tale, God is a king, king that governs in your life only if you let him in.
Nothing I say is going to convince you or amaze you about him, all I can say is that I am amaized soooo amaized that I can't hide my feelings and as good feeling I would at least tell you to give him a chance to be in your life because I would like you to have what I have, what can you lose?... you have to meet him personally to get to know him better, don't listen to people's opinion about him specially knowing that they have never met him personally because all they have is an opinion if you really have considered it please try personally and open the door, he is knocking.


Dr. Mantodea said...

All God has to do is show up and I'll give It a chance to convince me that It's worthy of my attention.

But as long as It expects me to base my faith on what other fallible humans, who are no smarter than me, tell me, I'm treating It like a fairy tale.

If It's so damn special, and really cares about my soul, then It can damn well take a moment of It's infinite time and tell me itself, and stop passing off it's parental duty to half-ass, self appointed nanny's.

God! Lawsuit coming, I have the name "JesusMan!" trademarked, that's too similar.

Toyi said...

yeah Mantodea God loves you, he don't bite.

You know Toyi, I can honestly say I know what you mean. However, my relationship with the Divine Almighty is not the same as yours. But He still works miracles and communicates His word to me everyday.

Thank you for this thought of the day.

Toyi said...

cool, is just a post like many others around here, thanks!

Damn GOD! He made me cut my finger!!!

Toyi said...

maybe it was just an accident, or maybe YOU ARE THE CLUMPSIEST PERSON ON EARTH!!!

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