“Read the Bills Act” (RTBA)

Friday, March 09, 2007

This has about as much chance of happening as Anne Coulter sucking Howie Mandel's cock. But it's an interesting idea.

Found here;

You can read the text of RTBA by clicking the Draft Legislation tab above, or you can start by reading a summary of the legislation below. Following that summary is a description of our strategy for passing RTBA, and then a call to action.

Part 1: What RTBA does and why

Most Congressmen are lawyers, and many others are businessmen. They know what “fiduciary responsibility” is. For Members of Congress, fiduciary responsibility means reading each word of every bill before they vote.

But Congress has not met this duty for a long time. Instead . . .


I know some congressmen, they can't read.

Anonymous said...

I'd sign the petition. Suddenly, congress is the enemy? I've always been down with that!

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