A public service announcement to those in the Boston area

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Do not use http://boston.openguides.org for anything. I know it may come up first on a Google search, if you type in a location name, but the place is actually as useful as a screen door in a submarine.

I looked up a place using them and the address was totally wrong. Too bad I didn't find this out until I missed the event I was trying to get to!


Because the site is an wiki. Not only that, it's a wiki with NO sign up requirements, you can just post anonymously, and thus anyone can add whatever the fuck they want! That's a bad enough problem with intentional vandalism, but it's even worse when you let some passenger on the internet shortbus post their idiocy.

So I ask a simple question; Why the FUCK do you have a site that is supposed to be a "go to" for finding places in Boston if you, as the reader, can't trust that any of the shit that is there is real?! For fuck's sake, if you want a site that lets people post opinions about great spots in Boston fine, but don't have a field for the ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER if that is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate! Why is that such a hard concept!?

Assholes. Stupid stupid assholes.

I hope they catch on fire.


WoW a new place for Malach Spam! Yeah!


Dr. Mantodea said...

Heh, looks like they took the advice I kindly offered in my scathing e-mail I sent them today. They now have in nice red letters, a disclaimer about checking the address in the local listings.

Nice too see concentrated rage has an effect on some people.

Wow, is this stays up for a week, I adding more.

That was just God's little way of telling you that you weren't supposed to be there. God loves to work through assholes in Boston.

Can I use this site to find male prostitutes? Angry Vet, you must know the answer to that.

Well, you're here, aren't you?

Good point, sir. Good point indeed.

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