
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What is Google up to?
With Google's recent purchase of YouTube, and their recent launch of Google Checkout, many people are frightened of the prospect of Google slowly taking over the internet (Hell, they own Blogger, which I am writing this blog on). With now a 46% share of Internet video, a 65% share of the search market, the almost year old Google Base, Google Maps, Google Book Search, GMail, Picassa, the Google Pack, and such, Google has a number of essential web services, and they are mostly free.

So what is Google doing? Google's public plans can be found on and about the internet. To give them credit they have always wanted their services to be free, and their future plans include that. They are big on the whole keeping the internet free and accesible thing. They want to challenge Microsoft's supremacy on computing, and software, and unlike Microsoft, if they see something on the web, that they feel does they type of things they are looking to do, they will buy it, instead of try to reproduce it. Google will slowly buy up competing software, or design their own, to challenge Microsoft, all the while keep it free.

With Google's goal of free internet and computing for everyone. One big part of this is the "Google PC" for lack of a better term. As Google begins to offer programs similar to the expensive stuff Microsoft crams down your throat, they will unveil the next generation PC.

This "computing platform", would be ENTIRELY internet based. Example. All you would need is a interent connection, a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Your hardrive, would be hosted for free, on a Google server with essentially unlimited storage, and unlimited bandwidth. Google will allow you"turn things on" from this database for the world to to be viewable (ie picture galleries, writings, blogs etc, essentially giving everyone a profile - think MySpace). Addtionally you could load any program you want onto Google's services with Google providing you with their free Microsoft replacements. Your entire PC harddrive would be on Google's servers, and you would never run out of memory. You would basically log onto Google, and work like you do now. This of course in incredible at once while being very scary (George Orwell's ghost is haunting my office). You could basically have a entire PC for the price of a monitor and internet service (which is also getting cheaper and cheaper). Google will also through YouTube offer you free cable programs and other forms of video entertainment via your Google PC (it is not coincidence Google bought YouTube right after they signed a massive licensing agreement with a number of entertainment conglomerates). I would not shock me to see Google go after a Internet Telephony company either. If that occurs kiss phone charge goodbye.

This is why Google scares Microsoft, Cable Companies, Telephone Companies, and Internet Service providers to death. Google has the deep pockets to do this, with revenues exceeding billion of dollars per quarter, the majority of this from advertsing. Also interesting are these current court cases where the Federal Government is trying to force Google to give up some of it's database information, in addition the in roads Google in trying to make in china.

Keep an eye on Google, they will someday be your future employer.

I am Malach, vote for me as president of the Googlized States of America!


Google is simply following the television model: free content paid for by advertisers. Show me a model that works any better...

I can't wait for my Googlized Health Care!!!

I for one have always thought it was more in the interest of the Greater good to 'nationalize' many things.

Murk will lambaste me for this, but i still think things like telephone service should be 'free' and included in our taxes. Health care, internet, all of it. When inventions are made, instead of selling them for immense prices, everyone just gets them. Yes this sounds like communism, but i feel like we're past that. Its just cooperation.

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