A Completely Insincere Apology

Monday, October 30, 2006

I am sorry.

Apparently, I offend. Apparently, my schtick is 'old'. and 'no fun'. Perhaps I should write fiction accounts of killing other members and making fun of their ethnicities. Those are funny. BUT, when I put up a joke about how dumb Americans are to believe in a dualistic misconception about science and religion being sworn enemies, it's just too much for some people.

I honestly think that a few members just wish to respond to any nonsense I spout with their superior intellectual high minded ideas and then claim that nothing can be fixed unless we blindly follow their ideas into a quagmire of liberal, one sided, close minded crap.

The problem with the intelligencia of American is that they cannot stand a common sense approach to ridiculing their ideas and showing how sometimes, their facts don't add up. Even when these attacks are deliberately couched in humor to avert the sting to the large egos of these people, they take offense.

Here is my major concern for this sort of knee jerk reaction to my posts. My posts are rarely vehement and largely not directed at any one individual. BUT a few of our fellow and former posters have taken it upon themselves to watchdog my posts and bury them by posting anit-Murk crap claiming all sorts of things, using me as their whipping boy.

Why should that bother me if my posts were jokes to begin with?

1. These attacks were not humorous and were used to further political/personal agendas on a blog which is by invitation only. We appreciate all posts and contributers, but as a founding member who only posts to amuse and rarely to intentionally piss off one particular poster, I find these directed responses which abuse my internet persona and generally give the impression that I am a 'clown' to be a product of misplaced anger.

2. Including my name in a 'discussion' in which one side of an issue is bashed and I am quoted out of context and my intent as a prankster is removed makes me seem like a bullheaded political neophyte who identifies with the extreme right wing and the Bush fiasco. Why am I the only one named in these rants? I don't know. Maybe someone is pissed off at me because they see me as a representation of all the millions of people who could give a shit less about the so called 'progressive ideas' of their chosen liberal set, who have no plan, no leadership and no agenda. In essence, when I satirically voice the mind of the backwater hillbilly redneck Jesus loving Red State MAJORITY, someone assumes it is okay to attack the satirist as if he were truly one of these rubes.

3. My typical defense of yelling CALM DOWN, IT'S A JOKE! is all part of the Dr. Murk defense plan for my idiotic, self indulgent, egotistical, passive agressive persona. I frequently contradict myself, anger people and tell them they are bad for over-reacting. Can you possibly think of anything more annoying? I couldn't, so I use it.

4. Fuck you.

5. It is not mandatory to post to this blog and someone has decided to quit altogether over one little spat which is NOTHING compared to the man handling AV and I gave each other and SpaceFarmer/Captain Paperpants doled out to each other. If that someone cannot handle this, then why did that someone decide to post a whole diatribe defaming me, a fictional character on a blog that obviously was designed to be weird and obnoxious.

This isn't a true political forum.

Dr. Murk is not a real person.

He is here for fun.

If it's not your kind of fun, then don't piss on my shit and tell me I had diarhea.

I'm done.


Excellent use of the word "intelligencia", Dr. Murk. I salute you!

I hate you

"Don't piss on my shit and tell me I had diarhea."

One day, that phrase will be etched into stone over a courthouse somewhere.

Son of a bitch... He stole my line.

Man, I should write a fictionalized account of each contributor being murdered and then have witty responses ready for all the hate mail.

What? Oh yeah. Right.

Hojo said...

You mean Dr. Murk isn't real?!

Dr. Mantodea said...

So sad.

You won. You won the fucking argument, you toaster. You drove him off like a pansy. But you couldn’t fucking stop there. No, you had to keep ranting after he left like some drunk boyfriend screaming at the door after his girlfriend just walked out on him.

“Yeah bitch! You better leave, you better fucking leave! That’s right! I don’t neeed you. I didn’t force you to come here! I didn’t hold a gun to your head!"


"You better leave... Yeah... This is MY house!"


" …my house…" *sob*

Pitiful. We aren’t hear to read your fucking soap operas. I’m sorry you mom didn’t love you. But you gotta get over this rejection thing. Cuz, I got news for you, knowing your personality (and I use that term loosely), this wont be the last poster who just leaves.

So let it go. We all still love you (not really, but it makes us look good that we are charitable towards the retarded).

As a matter of fact we are the only ones who can stand to be around you other than your wife. And She only loves you because you don’t die form her cooking (even when she doesn’t try and poison it.)


The Angry Piper said...

New Book Review at Angrypiper.com, in case anyone cares.

Just call me Switzerland.

Hojo said...

I love "Dr. Murk." I think "bennie goodman" is the greatest "person" to ever live, though.

Christopher said...

I have rectified this. Read my notice above...

Tainted~Love said...

WTF is going on ...people??? *looks losted as usual* ~grins~

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