C.J.Owen's Fiction Foray

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hi my fellow WoWians. I've decided to attempt my hand at some fiction writing, and figure you folks could lend me your eyes if you would be so kind.

I have the first of hopefully many stories up on my page, so feel free to visit and if you have anything helpful to say, either comment on the blog or just fire off an email to me.

Or just ignore this and move along.


Toyi said...

Cool, nice work, please post your next one too...

Nada said...

Thanks Toyi, is there anything you think I could do to improve it? Was there anything you liked less or more?

I am not a particulary good writer and is much better than what I could do, so take whatever criticism I have with a grain of salt . . . My thought is that there was too much decription, too much metaphorical thinking. I found myself skipping that "excessive" writing to get to the meat of the story. I can liken it to a painting, sometimes the stuff you don't paint is the best part of the painting.

Again, I am not a particularly good writer, so take it as you will.

Toyi said...

Oh it will be hard for me to suggest anything better, I am not a writing expert and less in english lol

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