I Survived

Friday, September 29, 2006

I posted the general gist on my blog.

I'm fine and I'm going to do well. If the doctor say your going to do well, you have to because the doctor said to do well.

As for bennie goodman... the Doctor integrated him into me and I've got him caged up. He's only going to be let out when he has to take a dump.

For those of you still missing the point, I write all of his posts, he is me and I created him, so stop sending him hate mail when he rips me for getting sober. It just makes him worse. Ignore him and he'll go away... or will he?

Have fun kids.

I might drop back by later, but I need a nap.


Is Aunt Ginny Dead too?

Christopher said...

I offered Aunt Ginny's Blog to whoever wants to take it over... just email me at hex2323@yahoo.com

helpful critic said...

We think Aunt Ginny could have a midol moment, freak out, and delete her whole existence.
But, no one would win there, and she'd just return in some other bizarre form.

we hope someone takes her over.

I think Flak should take over Aunt Ginny and post there - EXCLUSIVELY.

The Angry Piper said...

I screwed Aunt Ginny.

To death.

I think that Murk should add, "I will Survive" to his blog, only the Cake version

Christopher said...

No no... music kills blogs. (except yours, I know)

BUT, I think I will listen to that right now!!!

Christopher said...

Screw it. I'll out it up...

Christopher said...

Crap, mal... I can't get it to play. Can you hear it? Send me the code...

I have the song.

Love the song, I would change you comments to appear as a pop up, so the song doesn't reset everytime you check comments.

Christopher said...

Unfortunately, my templaye automatically does that. I set it for pop ups and it does that....

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