Gosh, The Fake World is a Crowded Place.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Yesterday I was sitting at the bus stop and some knuckle dragging tool with a southern accent answered back to some college kid when asked about what he thought of Iraq

"You're the only ones who obsess on that. We don't and the real people out in the real world don't for the most part."

He went on to say he has difficulty understanding the motivations behind the violence in Iraq.

"It's hard for Americans, all of us, including me, to understand what's wrong with these people," he said. "Why do they kill people of other religions because of religion? Why do they hate the Israeli's and despise their right to exist? Why do they hate each other? Why do Sunnis kill Shiites? How do they tell the difference? They all look the same to me."

Oh wait, that’s right, that wasn’t some auto mechanic who never
graduated high school saying all that shit at the bus stop, it was the good
Senator Trent Lott talking to reporters in DC!

At what fucking point do people start to look at their politicians and expect some degree of statesmanship, and not the kind of crass arrogant ignorance you would see Boss Hog exhibit in the Dukes of Hazard? Okay granted, he is representing the folks of Mississippi, who keep voting him in, so I suppose he is doing a good job representing their complete lack of intelligence.

Lott… How can you say you don’t understand it? Have you bothered to listen to ANYONE who actually is an expert in the Middle East? They might have a fucking clue for you as to the motivations! I hear they got that information by actually educating themselves on the region!

The Republicans are so engaged in Group Think they just have no idea how bad it looks when they say shit like that. No one cares?!! Yeah, I guess not.

Well I’m sure Lott’s seat is very secure even if he were running for re-election, but it will be interesting to see just how little people care after November has run it’s course, and how many Republicans come back to clean out their desks.

Though I still don’t want the Dems (Or any mythical third party) to win back power this time around because there is no way the problems are getting fixed in the next two years, and I would prefer the assholes who shat in their own bathtub got to bathe in it a little longer.



Toyi said...

what I understand about what is going on in the Middle east? oh easy... read old testament, there is the reason why they can look the same but they are not.
I have a sweet name for Israel cause is the country I pet with my heart, we at church call it "God's clock" cause around Israel is the bible based and the prophesies and God's promises surround it too, for Israel we all had a chance, for Israel Rome had a chance. Is not just about US is not just about scatered issues, is one whole thing and is writen ontil the end of days.

Now talking about politics... oh I don't even bother, all politicians are a fake image, when they speak calmed they are making the stuff up, but when they yell is what is in their heart, that is why I don't give a... about them, oh there is a nice reference in the bible about them.. "He will have the traits of a sheap, but he will speak as a Lion".

Tainted~Love said...

I was watching the news last night and they were talking about how Bush has been doing these secrect fund raisers because the Republicans don't want to be seen with him because his approval ratings are so low. That right there shows you how fake most are. Then they went on and showed Dems using his image in their ads like he's switched side or something.

It never suprises me.

The average IQ in Miss is only 102.

As for the Bible, what about the prophecies of the Zoroastrainist who writing predates the Bible?

Anonymous said...

None of you can think clearly because your bodies are polluted by Thetans. Until you get clear, you'll never understand the world.

Toyi said...

oh Malach you perfectly know how much I hate when you compare bible with other books!!!! that is soooo disrespecting man. lol

The Angry Piper said...

"Knuckle-dragging tool" is a great characterization of Senator Lott. I remember when Hurricane Katrina hit and we were all supposed to feel bad for him because "he lost a house".
Funny. I didn't see Trent Lott on a roof up to his ass in filthy water, trying to wave down a helicopter.
Oh, right... "a" house, not "his" house.

And I know I said I'd profile you today, Man-Tool, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow again.

Christopher said...

When Politics and Religion ride in the same cart, Dr. Murk gets sober and starts to kick ass.

Hey, you know what, Dr. Mansonita, you grundle suck, I'm starting to agree with some of your logic.

Maybe being drunk all the time made me a Republican.


McCain, please. Or New York Rudy!!!

As far as congress goes, who fucking cares. They haven't made a stand since Rowe v. Wade... oh wait, that's the Supreme Court...

What has congress been doing for the last 50 years, besides campaigning, soap boxing and smoking cigars?

Anyone know of any legislation that has worked since the 80s?

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