true political colors at a recent
Republican rally in Washington, D.C.!
Republican rally in Washington, D.C.!
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Posted by Captain Flak Paperpants at 12:30 PM
Love Hangover
What color? Black?
I don't think she knows she's black.
well hello we can still say that cause she is wearing something black anyways.
I am black didn't you know? lol somewhere in my humanity I know I am.
Everyone is is Black the earliest of mans ancestors? Mother Africa
Yeah, but SHE had sex with m=Michael Jackson when he was 12.
Sex with Michael Jackson? that sounds gross man, I pitty her o-0
Diana Ross is abhorrent, and should be killed
If by abhorrent you mean beautiful black goddess, I then agree
in the past, we would have meant that.
Currently, the only hot thing she's done in her coked out haze is to fondle Lil' Kim's breast (or was it Foxy's) at the MTV awards a few years back.
Now, she is horrid.
We disagree completely and would copulate with her right now
Captain tries again. Captain fails. We are the only helpful critic.
oh here my helpful critic, she should work her hair a bit more o-0
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