Today's concert

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Well as you knew we had a concert today, I am very tired and besides I had a great time with my friends in the band, I also felt flatered with the over and over sound troubles we always get, I do understand that we are getting better at handlyng ourselves with the sound situations, but this time I guess I myself had put some hopes because we were told that it was going to be very professional and that we had nothing to worry. Well we were told to be there at 10AM so we did the sound system was being set up, we were sent to the shade to wait cause they were going to check other bands first (we knew that we were not opening so, cool) the other band showed at 12PM and they walked right in to do their sound check, they stayed there forever placing all their lap tops and complex pedals and so bla bla bla... the Activity was supposed to start at 2PM. Since the other band was never done, we decided to send some of the boys to get something to eat and while our guys were away they called us... I said wow cool we will get to do our sound check (cause since we ever play in events, they never let us do soundcheck 'cause the event planing are never on time etc etc so in our way to the stage the sound coordinator tells us "no we are not going to do sound check" but only to set our guitars on stage that he was sooooo good and he woud have all set for us in BTW the presentation of our group (less than 3 minutes) one of the band members said "oh yeah right, we are a complite band with lot of percusion and 3 guitars, a base guitar and 4 mikes,a and you will have us set up in 3 minutes?the previous band was just 4 guys, 2 guitars, 1 base guitar and 2 mikes and you took forever" the guy says oh no no nothing to worry I am the pro and there will be little difference.... our band member said, well let us trust you are the pro and I hope you do well. At the time we started playing; 2 guitars and the bass guitar had no sound and 2 mikes were not set, as always we just keep going then things improved in the middle of the song (2 mikes and the bass started sounding) then in the second song he didn't put the volume to my distorsion and the solo didn't sound and on top of that they cut us after the 2 song becuase they tried to squizze another band and the 5 songs we were told coudn't happen. Oh I got very disatisfied, but I guess it was my fault, cause I should've realize that this is an ungoing thing and maybe was not a good idea to put my heart into it the way I did. we stayed in the field for the next 2 hours and we could see that they had miscalculated the time cause the other band played over an hour, our leader then decided that we should go home, so we came back to get our instruments left on the back of the stage and there we had a constant apologizing from the event coordinators, and the sound coordinator (oh we sorry we sorry please don't go) I mean ??? well I really dream about that day we will be able to openly play w/o any inconvenient yeah certainly some day.


Got build up a bigger name.

Toyi said...

what do you mean?

For your band, then they will bend over backward to please you.

Toyi said...

Well malach we wouln't like to fall into the sensationalism of the world, the name is perfect, the problem is not our name, they actually love it.

The name of the band represent our conviction... as Mathew 10:25 this is what we should be...
"It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master."
Here some concepts of a Disciple:

-One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.
-An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.
-often Disciple One of the original followers of Jesus.
-Disciple A member of the Disciples of Christ

Here is always the question we ask any Christian:

If we are not Disciples... then what are we? (just check the dept of this question)

No defenetly change the name is not a good thing 'cause is what we are.

I think I got it, when I was in ES we were used to organize Rock events, and there is something we need to fullfil, something called "Conditions" the bands would come and play under certain conditions like (4 mikes, 3 guitar chords, a bus to pick up the band etc etc).
I think we must place conditions when we make an agreement to play somewhere, make the event coordinators read our conditions and specify our requiremets (like a decent Sound check and make sure they have the apropriate equipment for us.

Besides the other bands had crappy names so... ID think that was the case,

he didn't mean for you to change the name, Toyi, he meant build up a bigger name for yourselves. get out there, media attention, get more popular, so you are a big name, then they treat you right.

Toyi said...

Oh I see, well we are trying lol
Beside playing in some churches we are getting to be known a bit more but everything doeesn't come from day to night, but if you guys think that might be the issue, then I believe we should push it a bit more.
Radio Stations, they have to be Hispanic 'cause we sing in spanish and honestly there is just 1 in DC area, other than that there are only crappy secular spanis radio stations that only play us if we give some money (even knowing that we are a nonprofit band.
But you gave me an idea, and I will speak with our Leader... we have part of church living in MA, KT, maybe we can have a nice talk and organize something, I tell you the only way we actually play very cool is when we organize it ourselves, we just keep going and our record is 4 hours on a straight playing non stop.

You need a myspace set up, that is a way to quickly spread some word, also get in with Itunes.

Toyi said...

My bro has a Myspace account, I will talk to him and see if we could include something there, today we spoke about making a website too and place all our activities, etc etc free time, pics and so on and on, maybe our home made video (which I look a little funky eh eh) the guy who made the home video for our first song told me the other day that he is just missing few seconds of film to finish my video o-0.

IDK well thank you guys, to start something like that we defenetly need a filming camera everywere we go, we have actually very funny at times.

Specially chritizicing the other band, well we admit this is just to have some fun, we respect what they do...pretty much.
The band that Played before us is called "SOTELO" and they have opened for Christian celebrities like (Marcos Witt), they are guys with long hair so we called them "SOLO PELO" which in spanish means "Hair olny" lol the guitarist of this band is into something, but you know to me, showing off your talent is something way off the main purpose, the purpose is to have people worship God not you or me lol well coming back to subject, this guy put the guitar on his back in the middle of their song 9 I went like o-0, oh interesting) then we as the guy himself realizes that there is no sound coming out , OMG was so funny cause he did the entire solo and nobody heard it, OMG I tell you he was soooo mad and we could see it.
Then while we were setting the guitars I am in the other end of the stage and the basist girl yells ... Hey Toyo-tits...Oh man I just turned around to see if anyone catched that but fortunately there were no english speaking people besides us lol
oh I can go on and on so I better stop eh eh

Well we will see if we can build something.

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