There is a reason for this

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

....So, back in November, I posted a rant about chemtrails, and government experimentation on people. I made a quip about them turning us into mutants. I also included the above picture. Since then (Malach, this one is for you), I get hundreds of links to my blog, from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Canada, all over the damn world. All of them seem to search through google images, for the website and the term recall mutants. And they end up on my site. Apparently, I found this image through google images, and got it from that website. I can't actually find it on that website, but i did through google. And now, i get people from all over the world, every week, coming to my blog because of that image. Weird, eh? So, I figured I could bring a lot of international folks here to WOW, simply by posting this image. There you go....


Welcome you foreigners!

Tainted~Love said...

I love that movie! *laffs*

Tainted~Love said...

I love that movie! *laffs*

Toyi said...

oh oh we are all like that.. do you want to check my inside?

The Angry Piper said...

Watch your back, old man.

I know you are watching my back, Piper. You love to watch me walk away.

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