Skittles + More Random Junk.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Ok. Here is what I think about Skittles. No not the lovable candy.
I am talking about the Coricidin: Cough & Cold medicine.

Now granted it may be able to cure your Cough or Cold flu that you have going around at the moment, but you can also use it as a drug to get high. Coricidin: Cough & Cold consist of alot of DMX. DMX consist of the drug that uses to confuse your brain, which also makes you high. Normally you would take one or two of these pills at a time to cure your cold. But, if you take eight or more.. depending on your drug experience, you will get high. First times at this should take eight.
When you get more experence with them, move up to ten, then twelve, then sixteen, then twentyfour, then thirtytwo. I have took eight two times. I have been high both times. I threw up both times. If you are a beginner and you take about sixteen or more on your first time, you will prolly overdose and die. That is how it works. I have friends who are drug experts and shit. They can take upto thirtytwo and not overdose. A "high" off Skittles can last you from four hours intill three days. You can also experience a short of time where you dont feel like you are high, but it will come back in a couple of hour's.

Kebert Xela
Saying Alex Trebek's name backward's is the only way to send him back to where he belong's... The fifth demenison.
How The hell... Does it take three licks to get to the center of a tootie pop? ..Damn red neck creation.


Is this stuff available over the counter? Most cold medicines have a degree of Anphetamine and or alcohol in them anyways.

Christopher said...

So, let me get this straight... you are encouraging us to take cold medication to get high?

What the hell is this? An after school special?

1. It's DXM.
2. Your suggestion cn cause massive liver failure.
3. I can think of ten other ways to get high that are cheaper, easier and safer.

Anyone who tries this is just stupid...

Dude. I am soooo high.

Christopher said...

Captain!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!

Yeah, pot is cheaper and safer. As for tootsie roll pops? Depends on you acidity of you mouth juices.

The world looks might good to me,
Coz' Tootsie Rolls are all I see.
Whatever it is I think I see,
becomes a Tootsie Roll to me!

Toyi said...

oh great so nibbles, you are here giving instructions how to get high, shame on you. I tell you this post is far away from interesting.

Toyi tried to read the WoW, but she high (on Jesus) . . .

Sing along!

Did you ever just look at your hand, man? I mean, like, really look at it. It's so weird, man. It, like, moves on its own. Hey, it's waving at me. Hi, hand. Sup, dog?

Christopher said...

Dude, I can fly! I can fly! Watch!!!!

We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.

Dude, you dig?


Anonymous said...

There's my friend Paul and right now I'm looking at his dinger. He's got a very huge wiener. It's about that big. I believe that's Shandlings joke. When you lift something it better be a cock. Here we go. This family, mother, father, four kids. It doesn't matter if they're boys or girls they're gonna be used anyway as nothing more than a hole. This is what this joke is about anyway, it's about using your kids... they've got a paper route, the go to school and then you fuck em. And the agents like "What do you do" and the father goes "Watch us." He rips off his wifes bra. Then he rips off her underwear and he takes some of her pubes with it. It's awful and some blood starts dripping down her leg. He takes the tampon and throws it at the window and it sticks. They start going down on each other all different kinds of combinations there's 69, there's 29, cause the kids are young, there's 9. The father bends the kid over the guys desk and starts taking him from behind, which isn't right. I just want to say now if any of you people who are reading this: if you're having sex with your family I don't condone it. I think it's wrong I've done a lot of PSA's... do NOT fuck your family. So they're all fucking each other right. All of a sudden the kid can't take it diarrhea starts shooting out of his ass. It's like a hemmoraging shit-ass. The kid starts spinning around in a circle cause he can't control it. It's like Curley in the Stooges. "Moe Larry the cheese!". The projectile shit is just flying out of him it's going all over the room it's like spin art. You don't know whether to shit or puke in this room. That's how... what the fuck am I doing?

Christopher said...

Yes, he actually said that folks. Look it up.

Anonymous said...


This is just a sad insinuation of a post.

It's the reason why Advil Allergy was pulled from the shelves and requires a driver's license to get from a pharmacist. It's the reason why youth today are more ignorant then snails........that "high" is from the level of toxins that are floating around in your body while your organs malfunction.

And to think it all began with huffing white-out in the late 80's.

Fuckin' Losers........

Anonymous said...

Have you ever sucked dick for Coricidin? HUH? HUH?

I get high on hugs.

Not drugs.

Anonymous said...

your cccrazy coricidin dosnt get you high espicaly when you mix with shrooms and your friends turn into cartoons while your walking downt he street and next hey you know your own 48 ccc and drunk and high as hell and the ex is feeling good but those 5 white pills in your hand look dangerous oh and there they go down your throat see you in 3 days

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