RSS News Service!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Breaking News.
RSS News has gotten a hold of an undoctored picture of Mel Gibson's mugshot. A unamed source emailed it to our news desk. So far the LA County Sheriff's Department has not commented.

Stay with RSS News from all you breaking stories!

Seig Heil, more stats from the Statzi!
Recent fun Keyphrase searches:
bilogy man woman sex : help me here, what does bilogy mean? Biology perhaps? Come to WoW from sex ed!
blow-up spacewalks : Um . . yeah
three testicles : Yeah, health class
watching other males pee at public toilets : Wake me up, before you go-go!
alex trebek's cock : I see a pattern here
lg f7200 tty devices : OK, we ever had an article of even mentioned a TTY device?
satanic layouts falling objects right side down cross for profiles for : This must be something Toyi posted
spanked aimee' : Actually she was disintegrated

The 10 Countries who visit here most:
1. The United States
2. Unknown
3. China
4. Canada
5. Spain
6. Brazil
7. India
8. United Kingdom
9. Japan
10. Malaysia

The Top 10 Regions who visit here most:
1. California
2. Massachusetts
3. Michigan
4. Florida
5. British Columbia, Canada
6. Texas
7. Virginia
8. New Jersey
9. Valencia, Spain
10. Illinois

Shandong China in in 13th place. Now you know who to insult more, EH?

I am Malach and I am La Chupracabra


Anonymous said...

Who am I there, Charlie Chaplin?

I still look cute.

Maybe I can make a Hitler movie...

Chaplin? No you don't have a Derby on.

Malach, just a reminder. You are a male. therefore you are El Chupacabra. GOT IT?

by the way, what is a TTY device?

Anonymous said...

A TTY device is one of those boxes that lets you watch TiTTY all day long.

And Malach, I am wearning a derby... on my penis.

Christopher said...

I'm wearing a Derby. That don't make me Chaplan.

A phone accomidation for the deaf.

Toyi said...

"La Chupacabra?" are you the female? lol

Yes, I have revealed all!

Toyi said...

Valencia Spain? cool

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