As I mentioned yesterday, I've had an essay regarding this whole Intelligent Design embarrassment that we Americans can’t seem to shake (it's pretty bad when the only other industrialized nation, other than the US, that has less of its population in favor of teaching evolution in the science class is Turkey!)
It's been gathering dust since December and I decided to finally finish it and put it up in honor of the recent trouncing of the pro-ignorance members of the Kansas school board by the voters.
I didn’t post it here because it's a bit long and I don't want to push everyone else’s posts off the page. If M&M have issue with me linking to my blog instead of just posting it all here on WoW, I'll fix that.
You can find my article here.
Prometheus on the Mountain: Science in the US
Friday, August 18, 2006
Posted by Nada at 6:21 PM
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I see that is so ridiculous how they make a big deal out of nothing, well that is my point of view, I have nothing against science and I have nothing against evolution all I want is to be left alone with my believes, by believing God created evolution I am not hurting anybody, but science wants a piece of recognition, well then go look elsewere, no matter if they ban creationism from schools or else, I will never give that specific credit to science and if that makes me an ignorant than enjoy calling me that,by calling me ignorant nothing is going to change and you should guess it, I love science and all they discover I don't hate it as longest they respect my point of view things, its like a kids game, if I don't go their way then I am an ignorant eh eh lets just act like adults and lets respect each other, why they don't teach the teories or myths or whatever and let people decide.
See here is where you are confused, Toyi believes science, the big bang, evolution, and spark for all that being God. Creationist believe it occured exactly as Genesis said.
Well Genesis speak about evolution, with the exeption that Adan & eve were not apes..
Good article, bro.
BTW no problem linking your stuff to WoW.
Toyi you're unfamiliar with the uniquely American phenomenon of creationism.
Creationism doesn’t mean “The belief that God created the universe” Creationism is the belief that the earth was created EXACTLY as is said in Genesis, word for word, that all animals living today have always existed in their current form from the beginning, that evolution does not in occur and that the earth is only a few thousand years old. And that all living things alive today were rescued, two by two by Noah from the great flood.
And they want that taught in the SCIENCE classroom to our kids.
See the difference?
well Owen & Malach, IDK I have very little interacting with religions, My church doesn't have a denomination, we just go straigh forward with the word, we just follow closely the bible about the principles, well by faith we believe everything happened somehow and that God made it happen, but details in Genesis and the Old Testament are more seen as History, I focus my daily life on the New Testament, and basically that is why is not a such a big deal... I mean I don't like the idea that they want to force it on me but I really don't care if they teach it you know, people was made and created to make choices and the New Testament also is about making a big choice and that choice has nothing to do with "If the earth is flat or is round" I believe as expected that Science and Religion themselves place a little too much attention to Genesis and is something that neither have solved or would solve unless they just forget about it 'cause neither has the 1st and most important clue about the Big Bang, so lets people decide the begining they want to keep,, and this go for science and also for religion.
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