How life Works.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

According to Choas_Dragoon.
Many of you know I congregate a forum with the Dragoon. Many of you know I run an very popular advice column called Dear Malach (yeah have fun with that 1125 pages long, 17,000 posts). Well, Choas today at this forum stated his chain of life . . . it is as follows:

This is the Chain:

So now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

I am Malach an Apex Predator (man I love Shark Week)


Sorry about the parenthesis, blogger was having a difficult time differentiating between > the greater than sign and > the close HTML

Bitch, please!

Christopher said...

How about this equation:

14 year old white trash + bad breeding + cartoon porn + no sense of humor = Choas Dragoon

And to think I complimented him and stood up for him on the podcast... faaaahhhk you Choas. You're now on my shit list, and not my regular shit list, but my "ll Night Brandy and Taco Bell Bender" shit list.

Make the kid a star and he pissed in your mouth then tells you you have bad breath...

Toyi said...

Shark week? cool but nothing more serious than a dolphin attack man, why? because it can hurt your feelings... (rolleyes)

Hojo said...

Where the hell does Hojo go?

Christopher said...

Hojo goes right here between Murk and Malach... no wait...

Choas_Dragoon said...

Damn Murk, your the one who can't take a joke. lol.

And I'm 15, in a large town.

And I still have yet to see the podcast.
It wasn't meant to be an insult to you, but to captain jackass.

Choas_Dragoon said...


The only thing this really proves is we are mostly equal, except captain, who is less than the bottom of the food chain.

Christopher said...

My comment was a joke, Cho.

All of my comments are jokes.



I'm just a satirical lampoon of Dr. Phil to be honest with you...

Toyi said...

OMG Hojo is a wife now eh eh

Hojo said...

I could tell you some horrible stories about being between Murk and Malach, but I'll just pass and go view the home videos.

Christopher said...


MMMMMM Hojo sandwich.

Christopher said...

He tastes like Veggemite!

You missed a large part of that equation.

ME(=)Shimmer(< but =)SuperStar(>)Malach(=)Murk(>)Chaos(=)Hojo(<)Palmer(>)Angry Veteran(=)Angry Piper(>)Hobbs(>)TooSerious

I think that covers it....

WoW, you must be a mathematician

uhhhh...what's that? (lol)

Choas_Dragoon said...

You forgot me. I'm choas.

All the < and = It was like being in Einsteins mind

Anonymous said...

It was my understanding that there would be no math involved.

Just wait, Mal....I have a new "Matrix" phylosophy that I'm going to pitch today right here on WoW.

It'll be better then your high on Coricidin.

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