...it's not a Minivan.
It's a Runabout!
We revamped, added awesome new contributers, and cut the dead wood, The Wand of Wonder 2.0 (WoW 2.0) is a multi contributor freeform blog. Contributers range of different personalities, political leanings, ethinicities, and religious ideals. Like a Wand of Wonder, you never know what will come out. If you don't know what a wand of wonder is, well that's what Google is for.
what is this supposed to mean? I don't get it.. is this plain advertising or what? Malach!!!!!
Relax. It's a Star Trek thing.
It's a freaking dork ass thing, more likely
I guess it wasn't action oriented enough for the CAB
Shut the fuck up, Mucks. You're just a scared little boy anyway.
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