Now, come on, read my blog too! I've got Mr. T on there an everything!!!
(yes, i know i shouldn't have posted this, but i just couldn't resist! plus, no one likes my blog anyways!)
We revamped, added awesome new contributers, and cut the dead wood, The Wand of Wonder 2.0 (WoW 2.0) is a multi contributor freeform blog. Contributers range of different personalities, political leanings, ethinicities, and religious ideals. Like a Wand of Wonder, you never know what will come out. If you don't know what a wand of wonder is, well that's what Google is for.
Posted by Hobbs von Wackamole at 2:46 PM
I saw that double post, BITCH.
say whaaaaaa?
I fixed it.
did this post twice?
damn work computers
i cannot explain
Um, you have a thing for posting twice.
Is that because you aren't cool?
No one is as cool as you, Muck.
its true, Murk. I'm nowhere near as cool as you.
nor is my crappy work computer. Were the posts identical, cuz i didn't see them. I bet work is trying to block this or something.
i did leave the page and come back without saving so perhaps it just posted on its own, which is odd.
As for my double comment on your blog Murk, which i must have done twice cuz some wording was different.
i think i was lost in a swoon over your manliness.
He is a buffet of manliess.
What are you guys, ten?
Please. Come with some strong insults or just shut up. You're embarassing the rest of us.
I bet you tinkle like a girl. TEE HEE HEE!
I liked the Buffet on manliness
Malach, stay out of this. And... stop with the ridiculously funny typos, you grade school dropout.
"Tee hee"? Um, SpaceFarmer, are you okay? You sound kinda... fruity to me.
Uh, Murk, what is with you lately. You seem to be missing the point on everything!
I wasn't insulting you, you sensitive ninny (i am now!).
As i did doublecomment on your post of the coMANdments, and i can't remember doing so, i was obviously in a 'swoon over your manliness.'
if you take that as an insult, does that mean you don't like being called Manly?
get a tissue, Nancy! Your mascara is running!
and i still can't get one stinking comment on my blog
and yes, i'm crying about it
my pussy hurts
i'm going home to hug my teddy
Teddy Roosevelt?
Hobbs Says: "I wasn't insulting you, you sensitive ninny (i am now!)."
Um, so where's this great insult?
I didn't say it was going to be great. who's got high expectations?
yr so cute when yr reactive
Sensitive Ninny was really all i wanted to waste on you.
Wow. Hey Cobbs, SYSD you loser!
OK, Murk. I'm not afraid to show my ignorance.
what does that mean?
Sonic Youth Susks Dick!
According to acronym finder dot com, it means Systems Design.
ouch. you insulted my favorite band. OK, did that hurt.
uuhhhh, NO.
1) you spelled Sucks wrong
2) Lost of people hate the music I like, and love music I hate. Just like lots of people love you, whereas i cannot handle the smell.
3) taste is a matter of opinion and education. Your having different taste from me is a given, and not insulting.
i though you could do better than that, especially if you were going to add it to 5 different comments sections.
man, my expectations of you are just dropping today.
"man, my expectations of you are just dropping today."
You knwo how in High School they banned you from quoting A Clockwork Orange? I ban you from using that line anymore.
Be original.
Oh and I never said SYSD was supposed to insult you. Shows you how freaking pathetic and rotten you are, Jar Jar Stinks!
that didn't hurt either
try again
WTF is going on around here ....looks like a bunch of fun that I'm missing out on. (damn my luck) ~slips back out for the moment~
Murk, I'll make you a deal
I'll stop saying i'm disappointed in you when you
1) stop calling everyone else's insults directed at you juvenile, since you've said that 20 times a day
2) stop disappointing me
3) start paying attention
No no! Don't leave! No one will be here to witness my triumph!
1.) No.
2.) u r we Todd it.
3.) u r sofa king we Todd it.
4.) You lose.
Just the fact that you sue for terms, sir, tells me that you... are... beaten.
not gonna happen, Murky my boy.
you can't win
its not in your nature
sofa king
good one
~laughs~ Ya'll crackers are crazy! ~smooches~
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