Immigration in this country is broken

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

But first a quick plug
Silent Auction, for PATRIOTS TICKETS. Check it out. All for a good cause!

The Immigration policies of the this Country are broken, everyone realizes it, but no one is sure how to fix it. Dubya had his own plan but left the details up to the House (HR 4437) who came up with a punishment and enforce policy only (which was passed), the Democratic proposals just wanted to make everyone legal. A mix of the two (S 2611) was passed in the house. Everyone is up arms. No plan is adaquate to the conservatives, who basically want to close the borders, or liberals who want to let the world in. I don't propose to have the answers to this, but I have some knowledge to share on the subjetc.

The US is founded on the principals at the base of the Statue of Liberty. The US is the greatest country in the world, founded by displaced persons. Most of US can trace back our first ancestor who immigrated to the US and why.

I work for an organization who has extensive dealings with both legal and illegal immigrants. I also live in a part of the country that has a huge population of both legal and illegal immirants. I am very familiar with the issues. Why do most immigrants come here? It is not to commit crimes or blow up buildings. It is to make money. Think about this. Think about the job you work now. Becuase of the issues with your country, you could make no more than 20 cents an hour? What about your family? What about a place to live? Would you risk coming to a foreign country to make $6.00 an hour to clean toilets? I would. I have a fellow co-worker. He is from Columbia. In Columbia he is a degreed Dentist. He was one of the highest paid workers in his circle. Do you know what he made a year? $9,000. And prices in Columbia are not much cheaper than they are here. He came to this country, working as a social worker for $12.00 per hour. It is like a fortune to him. It took him 7 years to get approved to come here legally.

That is part of the problem. Because he is Latin American, there are a number of limits and extra obstacles to him entering the country. If he was European, he could of come with just a passport, and probably already be a citizen. There is also a quota on particular ethnicities entering this country (mainly the poor ones). The US hasn't even come close to meeting that quota in 15 years.

Terrorism. I can assure you of this, terrorist don't enter this country from Mexico. Crossing the Mexican border has become as dangerous as being a soldeir in Iraq (perhaps more), and no one who isn't desperate to come here would try it. You see, the Southern Border has a fence, and is rather secure in most places. The place it is not secure? The extensive expanse of arid, rattlesnake infested desert. A 5 day or so walk to get to civilization. 120 degree heat, no water, little food. Estimate of deaths are impossible to count, but ask anyone who has made the journey, how many bodies in the desert they have seen. How many news article do you read about the border patrol become rescue and body recovery organizations?

It is estimate 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants are in this country, 7 million of them working. Do you know what happens to the taxes these immigrants pay (which most of them do) if they leave. They go into a general fund (and probably get spent on Iraq). What would happen if you suddenly deported them all? How much would our economy be effected if illegals are no longer paying taxes and buying stuff?

This is just the beginning, and the debate should rage for the remainder of the next Congressional Session.

Before I sign off some questions. What are people really afraid of with immigration? Are you willing to work these jobs if the illegals are deported? What responsibility does big business who hire illegals have? What responsibility do the US business who move to the cheaper employemnt market of Mexico have? Does the US have the responsibility to deal with these businesses?

I am Malach, and my first immigrant ancestors came from Canada in the 1600's.


Everyone scared to post to this one?

Andy T. Nguyen said...

Um....people are all talk but in reality they wouldn't really want to take the jobs illegal immigrants have.

I agree, the illegals here work mostly in the fishhouses. I don't see many Americans lining up for those jobs even thought they pay pretty good money for a menial task.

Toyi said...

what, were is my post, I swear I posted something!!!

I said I was impressed.

Christopher said...

Aren't we all just immigrants looking for a better life?

The answer to that is no.

Toyi said...

^ no some are just looking to get wasted...

Dr. Mantodea said...

Illegals are the new gay mafia. They are the political football of both parties who try to use them to rally their base. Neither side wants a solution because they both gain too much from riling up their respective bases with the empty posturing and legislative wrangling.

There will be no solution because the politicians don't want one and the citizens are too stupid to figure one out themselves, because they would rather sit on their asses and argue in circles about it at the local pub than look for real solutions.

Thanks for the compliment Toyi, I really appreciate it.

Toyi said...

^ in Latin America people find ways to get money to survive, last time I went to ES I was at the local interstatal bus terminal, I needed to ride a bus to the Capital (San Salvador) ok that is a 4 hour ride I was there since 1 PM and it was full (in ES the way you ride interestatal buses is this
1. you get in the bus, you find your seat yourself and
2. you pay your ticket in the middle of the trip. so...
The day before was a holiday & the terminal was full and everybody wanted to get back to the capital.. everytime a bus stopped at the terminal there was a full load of crazy people rumbling in... so couldn't see myself has uncivilized rumbling in but it was getting late and the last bus departs at 3:00pm... well I saw the 2:45pm bus leave w/o me when I realized a kid was pulling my shirt "uhm uhm ma'am do you need help to catch a seat?" (the kid was 8 years old) I said well sort of... He said "Well if you give me $2 I can get you a seat in the next bus" I smiled and said... ok a deal... Next bus aproached and the load of people was already pushing and the bus was not complitely stopped, I lost the kid sight, everybody ran in and people that didn't get a seat started coming out of the bus; then I heard "psss psss hey miss" it was the kid sitting on a nice window side,oh the one with the shadow side,lol "I told you I would get you a seat, I just climbed up the window while everybody was rushing through the doors, now come inside and please pay me my $2" lol I was just like "OMG he is actually working" lol
I thought that was very clever. lol

American Dollars are worth huge money in CA. The value of the peso, and whatever else is used has been so devalued (again issues with government), $2 to that kid could probably get him quite a bit. I would have given him $5.

Toyi said...

with those $2 that kid alone could eat for a week, when I go to my country I always come back with $0.50 to call home. The money I take over there is for family, I will never stand to have them paying for me when I know is an extra economic effort, besides I will not eat a single meal knowing that their fregerator is empty... I usually do groseries for the entire house wherever I stay.

Toyi said...

uhm changing perspective a little bit, some companies here in MD (Specially Service companies that use working crews to go service different places a day) these companies are taking a prefered consideration for people that only work 1 full time over people who has 2 or 3 jobs... which I think is not discriminating at all. The way they survey it is with key questions in the app and also in the interview when usually will come up. The company where my bro works is like that and they consider regular workers for over time if needed and secondary people with 2 jobs that tend to volunteer for extra hours. All this after a bad experience that was a big case on this company and happened because of people working day and night shifts. One day on route 70 one of the company cars crossed the lanes and stroke a truck coming in the oposite way, the people in the truck both died and both in the company van too, the driver in the company van was getting married the next day... he fell asleep and his co pilot too (they both were spanish and had a second job) so just picture it.

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