
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Problem with HUD.
Many of you know Malach works for a very large non-profit, directing their disability services. This non-profit also does a ton of work with homeless families and individuals, providing not only shelters, but transitional and permanent low income housing opportunities. Most of these programs are funded throught the Deprartment of Housing and Urban Development or HUD.

Homelessness is not what the majority of people think. Mental ill persons, pushing shopping carts and sleeping in cardboard boxes. Statistically single women with children are the most likely to become homeless. The leading contributers to homelessness are Addiction followed close behind by domestic violence. Most people are not "chronically homeless" they are someone who has hit a finicial hardship and through bad luck and timing are homeless.

The definition of homeless. A person who does not have a permanent place to live. This includes people living with other people on a temporary basis, people living in hotels and shelters, and those who who live on the street. Technically someone who is evicted or foreclosed on at that moment is homeless and remains so until they find a permanent living condition. Everyone can become homeless, and it is becoming more common with the middle class.

Now here is the problem, HUD's definition of homelessness:

A person is considered homeless only when he/she resides in one of the places described below:
· In places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings (on the street).
· In an emergency shelter.
· In transitional or supportive housing for homeless persons who originally came from the streets or emergency shelters.
· In any of the above places but is spending a short time (up to 30 consecutive days) in a hospital or other institution.
· Is being evicted within a week from a private dwelling unit and no subsequent residence has been identified and lacks resources and support networks needed to obtain housing.
· Is being discharged within a week from an institution, such as a mental health or substance abuse treatment facility or a jail/prison, in which the person has been a resident for more than 30 consecutive days and no subsequent residence has been identified and the person lacks the resources and support networks needed to obtain housing.

This means that HUD does not consider to be homeless: Persons living in housing, even though they are paying an excessive amount for their housing, the housing is substandard and in need of repair, or the housing is crowded; Persons living with relatives or friends; Persons staying in a motel, including a pay-by-the-week motels; to name a few.

One of the problems we constantly run into is that we cannot provide any support for someone who is homeless if they meet the above criteria. That make no sense. It needs to change.

75% of the clients we deal with are of the latter persuasion. I have had contact with clients who were living at the above situations, and all we could provide them for an options is to move into a shelter, so then they could be considered homeless, or somehow convince them they "are living in their car". This costs the government more to move a entire family to a shelter for a week, then send them to a long term program, that just put them in the program.

I am Malach and I am the am a political activist.


God, that scared me for a minute.
I thought you were talking about the problem with CHUDs

I find it funny, that HUD and CHUD is so similar. The Local director of HUD could very well be a CHUD.


Do I bore you?

Toyi said...

I can answer that if you allow me to... Rolleyes

Christopher said...


The Murk Mantle is not for copy cats.


He's right. Yawn. What is this, the Wand of Wuuuhhh... oh, god I'm tired...

So noone cares about the homeless, well we'll see when you are all homeless

Nada said...

"The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped." - Hubert Humphrey

Christopher said...

With the government as guardian of our morals, we're guaranteed to be in great shape forever.

Isn't caring for the sick and suffering the job of religion, which you crazy liberal dicks say should have NO PLACE in government?

Government is a social contract between the ruler and the ruled. It's primary function is to protect its citizens from invasion and or lawlessness. This whole "help poor homeless people" is crap. I've got so many bills. I need help too. How come they can get it and normal non lazy people can't?

Lazy freaking homeless...

Because you are not within 175% of the poverty level which for a 20 person houshold is only $22,000 per yeat.

Christopher said...

So, because I'm actually out making money instead of being a lazy homeless guy, I get no help even though I need it?

Sorry, I meant 2 person household. Did you even read the article, laziness is not a leading cause of homelessness.

Toyi said...

Well here in MD Homeless don't want to stop being homeless, they ask for money on the streets and make more money than other people with $5 per hour wage, they love the fact that they don't have bills to pay... there are facilities where they can live, they are probably luckier than I am I will say Mid class needs more help than anything, you get no forgivemes or discounts for anything cause they look at your wages and say "oh this guy has no needs"... the poor get discounts and pitty and get things for free, the rich get the discounts and things for free because is a client and what about the Middle one? OH HE?SHE CALL GO TO HELL!!!

Again you are referring to a very small % of people who are actually homeless. The largest precentage (75%) are single women with children who come from a domestic violence or abandonment situation.

The people you are referring to are usually mentally ill.

Christopher said...

Freaking lazy homeless people... they can't even be homeless the right way so that I can blame them for their own problems...

Nada said...

Dr. Murk said-
“Government is a social contract between the ruler and the ruled. It's primary function is to protect its citizens from invasion and or lawlessness. This whole "help poor homeless people" is crap. I've got so many bills. I need help too. How come they can get it and normal non lazy people can't?”

Dr. Murk, ever read "Tragedy of the Commons" by Garrett Hardin?

Also, regarding helping the poor being a domain of religion; if the only motivation we have to treat our fellow human beings with dignity and kindness comes from an external source such as religion, can it really be said to be moral? Do we need a God to tell us that we should be nice to each other? Does that mean we only do the right thing because some old man in the clouds says so? I try to help someone because I feel empathy for them, not because I expect some kind of reward in the afterlife for being a saint.

The purpose of a government (providing it is democratically based) is what its people decide it is. Your assertion that it is only for protection from invasion and lawlessness is flawed in that it assumes government is a separate entity from a community rather than an extension of it. Is the local town council there to prevent invasion by the next town over?

And yes, I know you're being deliberately obtuse to garner responses such as this.

Tainted~Love said...

I was homeless at one time in my life for about a year. My mother just couldn't take care of us. I really wonder how she didn't get us kids taken from her back then but I am thankful we stayed together. We lived in and out of State Parks for about a year before she found stable work and a place to rest our heads. It was a really real experience that has shaped me into the person I am today. I wish there were more programs out there to help the ones that want it. I do understand that there is a small % of people that enjoy this type of "lifestyle", but it's the ones that don't and can't get out of the cycle that need someone or something to help them break it. It suprises people when they hear my story, because I don't fit the stereotype most people place with the homeless. So many talk about helping other places in this crazy world, when to me ...we need more people helping around home. Just my thought on the matter.

Christopher said...

cjowen says

"Also, regarding helping the poor being a domain of religion; if the only motivation we have to treat our fellow human beings with dignity and kindness comes from an external source such as religion, can it really be said to be moral? Do we need a God to tell us that we should be nice to each other? Does that mean we only do the right thing because some old man in the clouds says so? I try to help someone because I feel empathy for them, not because I expect some kind of reward in the afterlife for being a saint."

Yet you think the government should get involved? Government enforced morality... sounds like Iran's calling! If you vote for Murk and Malach in '08, we'll accept the call!

Toyi said...
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Toyi said...

Owen Said-
Also, regarding helping the poor being a domain of religion; if the only motivation we have to treat our fellow human beings with dignity and kindness comes from an external source such as religion, can it really be said to be moral? Do we need a God to tell us that we should be nice to each other? Does that mean we only do the right thing because some old man in the clouds says so? I try to help someone because I feel empathy for them, not because I expect some kind of reward in the afterlife for being a saint.

^^uhmm no.. go read Matthew, that was changed by Jesus from that you posted to "Help your bruther no matter what" "Turn your cheeck"

I believe the best way helping others is not just paying for their bills but deeper than that, help them to be organize, help them to find a job or help them how they can be useful for others and the community.

Duh, our programs don't "pay their bills", we help get them back in a living situation, work with them on budgeting, and get the back on their feet.

Christopher said...

"our programs"...

NOT MINE!!! Mine is ship them off to a factory and let them sleep on the coal dust covered floors and eat rats.

I hate people.

I really do.

If you vote for Murk and Malach in '08, we'll kill whoever you want and mail you their wallet.

Nada said...

Toyi, you misunderstand, I'm saying religion is not a good justification for doing the right thing. You may agree with the teachings of your religion that say it is good to be humane to your fellows, and follow those teachings as a result, that is different from the assertion that you can't be a humanitarian without a religious motivation. And is very different from saying that secular society can’t take care of it’s own because it isn’t religious.

Murk, Government should serve the interests of its people to their benefit. That is implicit in its function if it is elected. The government shouldn't be telling us what is right and wrong, we should be telling the government.

Nada said...

And Toyi, I really don't think you have a understanding of what it is like to be homeless if you think they are enjoying their situation nor if you think they are making more money pan handling than if they worked for a living.

Also, many of the pan handlers you see are probably not homeless, despite what their cardboard signs say. You can generally tell the homeless pan handlers from the fakes by the weather. Usually the con artists come out when it’s nice out. The real ones are out there in the rain and in the cold.

Toyi said...

^ uhm the ones in MD are... people has to convince them to go to shelters, you will be amaized.

oh I understood your statement about religion and is fine, I was just correcting a wrong fact in your writing that is all.

Toyi said...

^well religion do charity a lot but charity is not all, that is just part of the work that needs to be done...
Empathy is always good, I don't see why will be bad to have empathy for someone.... I haven't read that anywere.

Again your are referring to a very small population of who is homeless (maybe about 3% of the homeless population fits your stereotype).

It like saying Illegal Latin Immigrants come here to steal jobs.

Toyi said...

^that is why I said "here in MD", cause that is what happens here in all my posts I am never refering to other places...
As of Illegal Inmigrants stealing jobs, man that is a slap for an American cause they don't even speak English and yet "are they considered more capable to take the job from a fully grown American?" oh that is just a funky assumption. lol

Christopher said...

I stole a cat from a homeless Latin American pan handler and I farted down its throat.

Toyi said...

Oh I don't care, I hate cats...

I am just pointing out your stereotype, the stats I am giving you are national stats.

Toyi said...

well I am not saying anything about the stats, I am saying about the "reason why" lol do you think an American is dying to go clean bathrooms? oh no they rather be homeless than doing that, Latin are meant to do the dirty job.

Tainted~Love said...

I think if a person wants to break the cycle then cleaning a bathroom might not look so bad after all. Sure there are the few that would say "Hell no I'm not cleaning no fucking bathroom." But trust me if they are at the lowest low and want to get away, give them a mop and promise $ to them after them finish and you will see them work their ass off. But again ...just my thought on the matter.

Toyi said...

^ and that is the thing.. nobody will give you $ for cleaning bathrooms although it should be an honorable job lol you know!

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