Why don't we all get together for some Poker?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Trash talking on a bog is nice, but it really belongs at a poker table. Over the past couple of months, I have really enjoyed the play money tables at Full Tilt Poker. I think it would be a great deal of fun if each of the internet personalities here opened an account at Full Tilt. Then, we could agree on a date and time to jump into an empty/almost empty card room and play some Texas No Limit Hold'Em together.

And, of course, horribly abuse the player chat tool.

Anybody interested?


Christopher said...

Games of chance?

How about a nice game of chess?

Anyone know a reliable chess server?

I like to use WOPR.

Andy T. Nguyen said...

Don't know how to play poker...

The Angry Piper said...

Dude...if there's a chess server, I'm in.

Choas_Dragoon said...

I love poker. I'm in.

Toyi said...

lol honestly I never learned how to play poker, I don't even know how that runs, in my country we were too poor to buy some "barajas" all I know is that people get tables and play it on funerals sometimes (In latin America)

I'm Game. AV, set me up a time and date, and I will mass email all members.

Well, everybody needs to go and set up an account. How about everyone gives a thumbs up when the have an account and know how to find a 5/10 NL Hold Em table.

Then we can talk about mutually convenient times across time zones...

Hojo said...

My thumb, it is raised!

I'm in Central Time Zone.

Choas_Dragoon said...

you have to install this shit?!

oh. well, I'll do it anyway.

Choas_Dragoon said...

OK, I give the thumbs up. I'm also central time.

TwistedDarkness said...

pogo.com for chess.

Unfortunately, I run on Pacific time, and will be unable to join. Fortunately, I'm a shitty poker player. XD


Don't worry, Pacific Time is how I roll. We're going to come up with a day and time that works all across this great nation of ours. Sea to shining sea baby.


Tainted~Love said...

Will check it out and give my tumbs up when I get it on my home pc. Good idea btw!

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