Too Much Work

Monday, May 01, 2006

You all do way too much work. I can't believe how many posts go up every day. When the slacker's revolution comes, they just might think about killing you all, if they get around to it. I think it's scheduled for next week or something.


Choas_Dragoon said...

nah, they won't get around to it, they will just give up.

Jealous much?

Hojo said...

Sweet. I have enough time before then to attend the monthly Procrastinators' Society meeting. Wait, it might have been rescheduled.

AngryMan said...

No, not jealous. I'm a little green, though.

Dr. Mantodea said...

Yeah... I know how you feel.

Christopher said...

Slacker Revolution has been postponed to May. What? It's May already?

May 2047. How's that!

What to do until then? Get high and dance around.

It's npt easy being green!

Toyi said...

Oh yeah this WOW thingy is not for open minded its for close minded, that is what make it special lol

Christopher said...


Toyi said...

Uhmm?? I mean yeah everybody listens to everybody but nobody agrees lol starting from you and me, me and malach etc etc you see we can play verbs conjuctions here

Toyi: you think so? theres your first post.

Toyi said...

Well is not only what I think, what I said its not extreme, but not too far... look the idea is to listen and compare but not necesarely move to the other side, we may have interesting points and others might have too but we generally keep our positions not roughly but generally.

The only people that switched complitely from genesis to rare things was John Travolta & Tom Cruise lol

Christopher said...

Part of being open minded is being stubborn and pigheaded about your views.

Okay, wait... that's wrong.

LOOK! I was open minded! :)

Toyi said...

^ oh I know you guys can't resist my charms anyways lol

open minded? so you mean you are into scientologist?

Toyi said...
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The mind is like a parachute, it only works when open.

I mean, if you're using the parachute to jump from a plane.

If your just using the mass of silk to smother someone to death or want to use the risers to choke someone, well, I guess it works for that open or not.

Eh, forget I mentioned it.

Toyi said...

can you imagine if my mind only works when open (like a parachute)

A parachute its not always open, besides opens only when you pull the rope. lol

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