The Prevalence of Autism in the Modern World.
A recent news article highlights the recent massive increase in rates of Autism per 1000 kids. This is a major growing problem in the US, and the world.
For those of you unfamiliar with what Autism is; Autism in a classified neurological disorder that manifests itself in markedly abnormal social interactions, communication abilities, and patterns of interest and behavior. There are hundred or resources out there about Autism and the easiest location to start is Wikipedia, and follow the plethora of links. In addition, if you have ever seen the movie, Rain Man, Dustin Hoffman portrays a classic person with Autism; the movie is acutually based upon a gentlemen named Kim Peeks (if you ever get a chance to meet him, well worth it).
What is causing this? No one really knows, as the cause of Autism is also unknown. Why has it increased so much? The best guess is that there is a genetic predisposition, that is exascerbated by some type of environmental factor. There are all sorts of theories, from the changing environment, to the MMR, to the thermerisol (which contains mercury) used as a perservative in vaccinations.
Being someone who works in the disabilty field, being married to an Autism Consultant, who by the way has a twin sister with Autism, puts me on the forefront of this issue everyday. I can tell you this, when these kids, hit the school systems, adult services, and such, something is gonna break.
I am Malach, and I made a serious post.
Something Serious
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Posted by Malach the Merciless at 8:54 PM
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^How can I say, I am sort of unfamiliar with this sindrom, I read about it and every concept about the same thing is a bit different, so I am unable to base what really is the problem.
I generally understand that autist kid is the one that develops only one skill but neglect or his/her body is unable to develop in other areas that are part of a regular human being... right?
can you look into some of the innoculations that 'they' give to babies and to pregnant mothers. There is one, i can't remember what its called, that i think was recently banned here in the US (i think). One of the Kennedy's is protesting this innoculation, as it is said to cause Autism in newborns. My neighbor/friend's first born son got the innoculation, and does have a low level of autism, probably because of it. Very upsetting. Plus, the US has shipped all of it to China and other countries to innoculate their children, basically sold it because they can't use it here anymore, but who cares what happens to those foreigners, right? disgusting. Can you look into that for us?
There has not been even a remotely conclusive link between inoculations and autism in children, the inoculations in question were suspect by autism advocacy groups because it has a form of mercury in it, but this form of mercury is not one which causes problems in people. Still, the manufacturers are discontinuing this kind in favor of newer formulations that do not contain the mercury. This is to avoid a fiasco similar to silicon breast implants lawsuit, which despite there being no evidence at all for it causing the purported health problems, still resulted in a jury imposing such penalties that the manufacturer had to close its doors.
Basically the inoculation=higher autism idea sprang into the heads of these parent groups almost out of whole cloth, with no input from the scientific community and they have never let go of the idea. They want someone to blame, and rather than keep looking for something that actually might be a real cause, and thus actually fixing the problem, they have latched on to a scapegoat than makes them feel better.
There may be a higher incidence of autism in kids but that is still hotly debated, since they are now diagnosing it in children who would have been classified with other problems (such as depression, retardation or myriad others) ten or fifteen years ago.
The awareness of autism is far greater than it was before the late 80’s and so now all of a sudden all these kids are being diagnosed with it.
Or there could very well be an increase, and if so, there are endless other possible causes; from the chemicals used in the manufacture of baby toys to household cleaners to a viral infection.
As an addendum Thimerosal is the vaccine you may be thinking of. it was discontinued three years ago in this country. If there is a link, then we should see a reduction in a few years of children with autism.
I'm not holding my breath.
A relvent article
I'll also add that there is a demonstable rise of Asperger's diagnosis and the parental requests under IDEA (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 for related aids and services to assist those students.
Toyi: Follow the links, if you want more info. Basically is a brain disorder, in which a typically baby begins to develop PDD (Persuasive Development Disorder = includes Autism, Asperger's and a few others) after the MMR shot (that age range), part of the correlation. It is marked by severe social and communication issues, strange pattern relationships, eccholalial (sp) and stimming, and other things. You might recognize the old, Un PC term of "Idiot Savant". Also google search "Temple Grandin", amazing woman with autism, very high functioning and well spoken, she give some amazing insights into the disorder.
Dr. M.: Partly true, there are some other studies from other countries, and not funded by the American Medical Assocaition or organization like it(which we all known is in the back pocket of drug companies and HMOS), or Autism based organizations, that have shown a statistical links. Most independant research suggests that more research, be done as nothing is ultimately conclusive. I also agree with the diagonotistics being better. The big issue is severe autism is becoming very rare, the more high functioning forms (ie Asperger's) is becoming more common. Another strange fact is that an adult can develop Spontaneous Autism in rare cases after having contracted the Measles and Mumps at the same time. Doctor's are for the most part unwilling to seperate the MMR into seperate innoculations, which has shown no correlation to increase in Autism as of this point.
I also agree it could be something beyond . . . Autism and PDD have brain relationships with Schizophrenia and Tourette's Syndrom, so there are a lot of studies looking to that link. I also wonder if it is a combination of things: Innoculations, evironments, whatever. Similiarly there has been a huge rise in asthma and allergies while there has been a sharp decrease (Mainly cause of improved health care during pregnancy and birth) in mental retardation and cerebral palsy.
AV: I am already running into tons of issues with New Bedford Public Schools and the innability and lack of funding to address disability issues. I have had to threaten to sue them I think 5 times this month.
Well Thank you Malach, I am not a fan of long web pages, I rather like a short straight answer, I tend to have dificulties reading large amount of English paragraphs w/o spendng good amount of time to really understand deeply.
You know english is not my 1st language...I really have enough with a long post for a blog but sneaking into the links will just take me all day long. lol
Well I have a better idea going thdough your personal posts or comments lol
Reading these comment may give you Autism.
Only if you are sucking on a Mercury lollipop while reading it.
according to those links I was an autist kid, and I also got spanked for eating soap too.
One of my cousins is autistic.
she is undergoing therepy right now.
The docs say that her case isnt that serious and in due time she wont have any problem.
However, one of my friends has a really autistic brother. he must be about 7 by now. He still can't talk (not even a word).
BTW is it true that pollution in the air can cause autism? I heard that too much lead in the air can cause the birth of an autistic child.
^ No I just thing autism is about parents not doing their job, honestly this sindrome doesn't statr until the kids reach school before that they are considered normal kids, I tel you the most mediocre role on this days its being a parent, they are workers, drivers, daters, they are anything else but parents. The babysitter takes the role on her hands but unfortunately paying her is not enough to transmit what a real parent in the original role will do.
"No I just thing autism is about parents not doing their job, honestly this sindrome doesn't statr until the kids reach school before that they are considered normal kids, I tel you the most mediocre role on this days its being a parent, they are workers, drivers, daters, they are anything else but parents. The babysitter takes the role on her hands but unfortunately paying her is not enough to transmit what a real parent in the original role will do."
WOW, obviously you are not familiar with autism, it is a neurological defect, not what you think it is. The above statement is like saying someone can choose not to be mentally retarded.
oh I am now, I asked my psycologist family member that lives at home... I believe she knows better... lol
Here the play of psycologists in US... there are certain psycilogy behavious listed, when you visit a psicologist, according to what you say about you, they match the behaviors on their lists, then they diagnose you with this or that...
When you visit a psycologist, you will never walk out the door "sane" because they will always match you with some weakness in certain areas, which turn to be a bit exagerated in most of the cases, then they get you into medicine that turns you more insane and dependant or they mislead you with ills that have zero of anything.
Oh I can go in dept, my family member tells me these stories, psycology is a fake psycology is evil, more evil then the insane.
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