Bring back the good old days! The Cold War.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I miss the Cold War.
For those of you who were asleep, not yet born, or just uniformed, this was the Cold War. Good Times. Back then, the whole world was afraid that US or the Soviet Union (now that was a enemy) to suddenly have a annuerysm and blow up the whole world, damn, Reagan had enough senility at the time to do too. It was black and white, good vs. evil, East vs. West, Autobots vs. Deceptigons, GI Joe vs. Cobra, Communism vs. Capitalismm and made the Olympics worth watching. There were larger than life heroes, villians, and events . . . Kennedy, Kruchev, Gorbachev, Reagan, Nixon, Andropov, Thatcher, Castro, Hulk Hogan, Sputnik, the moon landing, the JFK assassination, the Iran Contra Affair, the Berlin Wall, U2, Glasnost, NATO, The Warsaw Pact, Hippies, Yuppies, The Miracle on Ice, man those were the days. Those were the days where you could hate you enemies, and support your country.

Back then everyone was afraid of everyone else, and no one would do anything too much to upset the balance. Even the Wars in Korea, Vietnam, Latin America, and Afghanistan (vs. Soviets), were only minscule compared to earlier world wars. They were all so scared to go over the edge; how would their historical legacy look if they wiped out the human race . . .

Even the movies back then, they reflected the fun of the Cold War. Red Dawn (perhaps the greatest movie ever made), Rambo II, Missing in Action, Rocky IV, they will bring a tear to your eye today.

Those were the days, I miss them so . . . .

Welcome to WoW.
To our latest contributer Aimee.

I am Malach of Nostalgia.


Andy T. Nguyen said...

In Soviet Russia, war.....something something colds you!

In Soviet Russia, Wand of Wonder say "I love Lenin" over and over.

Toyi said...

Oh c'mon, you miss cold war or you just think you do budy!!! I wish to see you there so you can really tell if you miss it or if you think you miss it lol gigling!

The Cold War was more fun, safer, and less confusing than the "War on Terror" was it not?

Toyi said...

^ if you were never in the middle of it lol
oh I tell you death squads will visit every single night, and steal what you hardly got on top of that they would kick my dad until he couldn't get up no more and we were always with the guns on our heads... lol look I am laughing!!! lol lol lol

Never in the Middle of it? Umm I have lived in the US, I was in the middle of the Cold War!

I love Aimee. She is such a sweetheart!! I'm glad we got her on board!!

Toyi said...

Malach you had a nice dream that is it lol

Dream, they were nuclear bombs ready to go woman!

Toyi said...

eh eh some day you will face it malach just long for it, oh yeah war has its night lights too...

Red Dawn could of occured any minute!

Toyi said...

^ Here in US?

OF course!

TwistedDarkness said...

It's a pleasure to meet you, m'am. ^_^

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