The Alphabet of Manliness

Sunday, April 30, 2006

It comes out June 6, 2006, and the top scientists in the world have said it will rock so hard, that 26 different species of animals will die out that day.

Here is a real quote: So manly that even its sentences don't have periods.
-Dan Berman

You may be thinking, who could write such a kick-ass book? Well, this has a simple answer:

To the left is the cover, and needless to say, it's the sweetest cover ever.

I will buy 5, and have them signed by maddox 7 times each.


Christopher said...


Maddox is a complete rip off of Dr. Murk, Malach, bennie goodman etc.

Boycott Maddox.

Unless he links to us.

Toyi said...

^ oh not even I think Malach paints better than that... right?

BOO to Maddox!

Hemaworstje said...

aah blimy came here through what his name, Murk something , don't know you guys , but sure as hell doing a mighty fine job.gonna smash y into my favorites for a while
well known names , good illustrations, still haven't figured out Murk though strange geezer with nice links, luv the bladesman.

tx ect etc etc bladiladila

Choas_Dragoon said...

Boo to you!!!!

So, I read through some of the Maddox posts, some of it was funny, and most of it seemed better than 99% of the other crap that is choking the pipes of the Interweb.

However, he does seem to have an unhealthy fixation on the female menstrual cycle. He could let that go.

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