On being "fat"

Monday, February 15, 2010

Okay folks.....I've been following Kevin Smith's tweet ever since he first announced he was kicked off his Southwest flight from SF to Burbank. I was sitting right here when it happened....well...not RIGHT here but....you know what I mean. I gotta say that I'm a little irritated right now. Not because Kevin Smith is going off on SW and their protocol nor because SW is maintaining that he was too fat to fly. I'm actually really pissed off that the news threw down some half-assed story about it and then the public backlash was "Good for SW for making fat people buy two seats" and "If you don't like the policy, lose some weight".

Uhm.....okay.......now folks. Not EVERYONE is fat....especially by choice. I personally LOVE people with meat on their bones. They're f'ing sexy! That applies to both men and women. I mean wow.....a woman with curves around her hips and a man with meat...everywhere.....so hot. I'm not talking about morbidly obese like "Fat Bastard" fat.....I'm talking about people that are bigger than a size 6 or waist larger than 30 inches. Kevin Smith in my opinion is pretty hot and it isn't because of "who" he is. If he was just an average Joe working a regular 9-5 walking on the street (or driving by), I'd stop and look for sure. But I digress. Having an out-right prejudice toward people who may actually not have the ability to be thinner than 140 pounds is WRONG.

We'll use me as an example. Dude...I'm not kidding...I was fat. Like 240 pounds kinda fat. But it wasn't because I ate too many cheeseburgers at McDonald's or because I like everything dipped in fat and fried twice. It would have been nice if I could use that as an excuse. No matter how many diets I tried or how many hours I worked out, I stayed fat. I went to several doctors and had just as many tests to try and figure it out. It came to be that my long term exposure to birth control was killing my liver which thus created an inability to properly burn fat and thus a rather large version of a once very small me came to be. Now, since that realization followed with corrective measures, I have slimmed down quite a bit even though I actually eat more. I'm still not 105 pounds though. I never have been and I never will be. In fact, even at the pinnacle of my fitness, I weighed in at 142 pounds....all muscle. I was leg pressing 240lbs every other day, running 1 mile everyday...my body was tight. I might be lucky to get down to 150. But more than likely, I will hover around 160 for the rest of my life. Okay....so...I'll never be a size 0 or a size 2. I'm totally okay with that. What's important is that I'm fit, healthy and able to enjoy life.

But seriously? Why the fatty bashing, folks? Since the news broke out about Kevin's debacle with SWA, so many people are saying how great it is that SWA has a "people of size" policy. I get it that if you cannot sit in ONE seat, you might want to consider buying two. In fact, you should! But the outright bashing of over-weight people, saying crap like "go lose weight" or "go on a diet", that's just wrong. I know people who can eat just about anything and never gain a pound while there are folks who so much as look in the direction of a Subway sandwich and gain 2 pounds. And then there is this, "our society is so fat" crap. Uhm......has anyone paid attention to the crap that is being put in our everday food that is purchased at the grocery store lately? All these hormones and junk that are meant to fatten up animals are being passed into our digestive system. YEAH WE'RE FUCKING FATTER! DUH!!!! And the shittiest of shit is that the healthy, organic food that we're suppose to be eating is REALLY pricey which makes it harder for folks that have 4-6 mouths to feed everyday to eat truly healthy food....especially in THIS craptacular economy.

Stop hating....it's bad for the soul. If the US really wants to get this obese thing under control, then it's time to change the way our food is handled so that everyone has the opportunity to have a healthy lifestyle.

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